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84 знайдені люди
предмети на сторінці:       «« попередня сторінка 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 16 17 наступна сторінка »»
Polish art historian, philosopher, and curator related to the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. The author of the idea to found and develop the archives along with the Museum.
  • Місце знаходження:
    • Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
  • Місце знаходження:
    • Budapest, Hungary
Brigitte Maria Mayer studied photography and performance in Kassel. In 1990 she moved to Berlin, and was the last wife of Heiner Müller. After his death, she was against the sale or dismemberment of his estate library, and gave it to the Humboldt University in Berlin, in order to maintain it as a workplace and research center.
  • Місце знаходження:
    • Berlin, Germany