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30 знайдені організації та групи
предмети на сторінці:       «« попередня сторінка 1 2 3 4 5 6 наступна сторінка »»
The Historical Association of Thuringia is a working group of several archives, memorial sites, museums and historical workshops as well as victim’s associations and political education institutions. The shared goal is the reappraisal of the SED-dictatorship in Thuringia.
  • Місце знаходження:
    • Thuringia, Germany
The Humboldt University is the oldest of the four universities in Berlin and is one of the eleven "Universities of Excellence" of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was founded on the basis of Wilhelm von Humboldt's ideas of the unity of research and teaching, the freedom of science and providing a well-rounded education for students.