Фільтри ˆ

Decizia specială (opredelenie) a Judecătoriei Supreme a RSS Moldovenești privind cazul lui Viktor Koval. August 1982 (în rusă)

First page of the Special decision of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR concerning the case of Viktor Koval

Місце знаходження


  • Російська


Рік створення

  • 1982


  • Source: Archive of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova

    Photo by Igor Cașu

Шедевр колекції


  • Cusco, Andrei

Список літератури

Cașu, Igor. 2012. ”Reeducare” prin tratament psihiatric” (Re-education through forced psychiatric treatment). Adevărul.md, 23 February. Accessed March 29, 2018. http://adevarul.ro/moldova/actualitate/reeducare-tratament-psihiatric-1_50ae5dc07c42d5a6639c194e/index.html 

Cașu, Igor , interview by Cușco, Andrei, March 22, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-22 17:32:50