ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee toimikute arhiivi jõudmine
In 1991, the dissolution of the KGB in Estonia began. During this process, both its collections of investigative files which were completed and others which were incomplete were taken over from the State Security Archive in Tallinn in the autumn of 1991. During the takeover of the material from the KGB archive, part of this collection ended up temporarily in Ulyanovsk in Russia, but was brought back to Tallinn, half a tonne of archival material in total, in December 1991. By a decision of the government, the collections were first given to the Estonian Police Board instead of the Estonian National Archival Board. It happened that neither professional historians nor archivists were involved in taking over the KGB archives. This led to objections by archivists. The collection was incorporated into the National Archives (formerly the Party Archives) in the spring of 1993.
Tammela, Mari-Leen
Tark, Triin
Список літератури
Mägi, Harri. 2012. ENSV KGB tegevuse lõpetamine. Tallinn: Varrak.
Uus, Enn. 1991. "Algab kriminaaltoimikute ülevõtmine KGB arhiivist." Rahva Hääl, October 29.
2019-01-15 09:39:13