Фільтри ˆ

Donation of the Alenka Bizjak Environmental Collection to Željko Oset, 2016.

Through a mutual friend Alenka Puhar, Alenka Bizjak donated her collection to scholar Željko Oset, Ph.D., in 2016. The collection was given to Oset with the belief that he will maintain it, arrange it and validate it by using it in scholarly work.

Місце знаходження

Початок події

  • 2016

Основні актори


  • Bencetić, Lidija

Список літератури

Oset, Željko, interview by Bencetić, Lidija , Shek Brnardić, Teodora , July 06, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2018-12-04 11:14:00