авангард, неоавангард
альтернативні способи життя і повсякденний опір
будні андеграунду
витончені мистецтва
відмовники з міркувань совісті
візуальне мистецтво
демократична опозиція
етнічні рухи
жертви переслідувань за авторитарними / тоталітарними режимами
жіночий рух захист навколишнього середовища критична наука
література та літературна критика масова медіа мистецтво
мирні рухи
молодіжна культурa музика нагляд народна культура
наукова критика національні рухи
незалежна журналістика неофіційна освітня і видавнича діяльність партійні дисиденти
правозахисний рух
релігійна активність
рухи меншин
самвидав і тамвидав соціальні рухи
студентський рух
театр і виконавське мистецтво філософські / теоретичні рухи
голосові записи
музичні записи
мультфільми та карикатури обладнання
одяг пам'ятники предмети народного мистецтва
публікації рукописи
скульптури сіра література
юридична та/або фінансова документація
The archival fond Zhelyu Zhelev at the Central State Archive portrays the life and the creative and political work of Zhelyu Zhelev. Zhelev, a prominent philosopher, was one of the most well-known dissidents in Bulgaria and, in August 1990, became the first democratically elected president of Bulgaria (he was in office until 1997). The collection contains numerous materials documenting the attempts by the communist government to impose total control over intellectual and scientific activities; at the same time, it shows different forms of resistance and opposition by various individuals and groups. The collection holds essential documents, which can help us reconstruct Zhelev’s ideas and activism, including documents on the Club for Support of Openness and Reconstruction, which was among the first dissident organizations in Bulgaria.
This is the collection of the prominent Yugoslav intellectual and dissident, Zoran Đinđić. During the seventies, Đinđić was active in the Student Union of the Faculty of Philosophy and in informal groups of the radical left. He left Yugoslavia in 1977 and returned at the beginning of the 1990s, becoming one of the most important leaders of the opposition movement after the state’s disintegration. From 2001 to 2003, he served as prime minister of Serbia. The largest part of the collection is focused on the period after 1990, thanks to his active political engagement, while a smaller part covers his dissident activities during the socialist era.
The collection of Zsolt Csalog (1935-1997) covers his diverse activities as a sociologist (he published on sensitive social issues, such as poverty, discrimination, and forms of social deviance), writer (he focused on the underprivileged and marginalized social groups of the Kádár regime), and a former member of the Democratic Opposition
The collection illustrates Zvonimir Kulundžić's intellectual work as a journalist, historian and literary critic who chose to pursue his activity independently outside of the institutions controlled by the socialist government. The Collection includes books, original manuscripts, the author's published articles, his correspondence and polemics, which reflect a critical standpoint toward Croatia’s institutional historiography and literature in the period from the 1950s to the late 1980s.